Chopper Model Sheet - ID: mayyakky19097

Chopper Model Sheet - ID: mayyakky19097 Hanna Barbera


Art Type:

Image Size: 
6" x 7.5"
Price: $100.00
SKU: mayyakky19097

An original photostat model sheet from the "Yakky Doodle" segment of the Hanna Barbera animated series "The Yogi Bear Show" (1961-1962). Featuring a couple charming illustrations of Chopper, the model sheet was created at the studio and used by animators as a reference tool during production, in order to ensure consistent character design. This model sheet appears to be created using the photostat method on a slightly heavier weight paper. Measuring 10.5"x12.5" overall, with the character image measuring 6"x7.5", the model sheet is in good condition with page discoloration due to age and a slightly torn top left corner.

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