Pinocchio Jiminy Cricket Limited Edition Maquette Replica (2015) - ID: 045544840699

Pinocchio Jiminy Cricket Limited Edition Maquette Replica (2015) - ID: 045544840699 Disneyana



Image Size: 
3.75"x3.5"x4.5" , 4.25"x5.25" COA
Price: $65.00
SKU: 045544840699

A limited edition replica of Jiminy Cricket's maquette created by Walt Disney Archives and Enesco, LLC. Based on one of the original animation maquettes in the Walt Disney Archives collection, the sculpture was produced in a limited edition of only 3500 pieces and is hand-numbered 193/3500. Measuring 3.75"x3.5" and 4.5" tall, the figurine is in fine condition and comes with the original 5.5"x6"x6" box and COA.

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